PWA Projects
PWA Projects

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are the ideal solution for those who want to offer their users a high-level mobile experience, without investing time and resources in the development of traditional native applications.

PWAs are in fact web applications that behave like native applications, offering a number of significant advantages, including:

  • Speed: PWAs load quickly and are able to operate even in low or no network conditions, thanks to the service worker technology that caches the data and resources it needs.

  • Usability: PWAs offer an intuitive and responsive user interface, which adapts to any screen size and device, and they can also be added to the device home screen, send push notifications and access native features such as camera, microphone and the GPS.

  • Reliability: PWAs are safe and secure as they use the HTTPS protocol to ensure user data privacy and security, and are always up-to-date as they automatically receive the latest updates from the server

However, developing a PWA requires specific technical skills and a good understanding of modern web technologies such as React, Vue, GraphQL and Webpack

For this reason, if you want to create a PWA without having to face the technical challenges and high costs of in-house development you can rely on Tidycode, the web agency specializing in the development of e-commerce sites.

Tidycode is a team of expert certified e-commerce developers, who have carried out numerous successful projects for customers from different sectors and offers you a turnkey service for the development of your PWA based by taking care of all stages of the process: from design to implementation, from data migration to server configuration, from security to SEO optimization.

In conclusion, if you want to offer your users a high-quality mobile experience and want to reduce the development and distribution costs of traditional native applications, Progressive Web Apps are the ideal choice for you

Contact us today to receive a free consultation and a personalised quote for your PWA project, we will be ready to help you create your new e-commerce!

We create tailor-made solutions for our customers, using PWA platforms such as:

Want to create a PWA?

TIDYCODE is the ideal agency to create your PWA and get your online business off the ground.

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