Vue Storefront - Tidycode's choice for high performance frontend
Vue Storefront - Tidycode's choice for high performance frontend

If you run an e-commerce, you know how important it is to have a fast, modern and mobile-optimized frontend, but you also know how difficult it is to create and maintain a frontend that is able to integrate with your backend, your systems and your sales channels, without compromising the quality, security and scalability of your platform.

For this reason, we present to you Vue Storefront, the frontend as a service solution for headless e-commerce, which allows you to easily create and manage your frontend, exploiting the potential of Vue.js and Nuxt.js, two of the most popular and performing JavaScript frameworks on the web.

What is Vue Storefront and how it works

Vue Storefront it's a platform cloud-based which allows you to build your e-commerce frontend quickly and flexibly, without depending on your backend or legacy systems.

Vue Storefront is based on the concept of headless e-commerce, the separation between the presentation layer (the frontend) and the logic layer (the backend), which communicate with each other through APIs.

With Vue Storefront you can:

  • Choose between two JavaScript frameworks: Vue.js or React.js, depending on your preferences and skills.
  • Use an open source library of ready-to-use UI components, called Storefront UI, which allows you to create responsive and accessible interfaces with ease.
  • Integrate your frontend with any e-commerce platform, CMS, ERP o CRM of the market, thanks to an API-first architecture and a large ecosystem of technology partners.
  • Take advantage of Nuxt.js features, such as server side rendering, code splitting, lazy loading and prefetching, which improve the performance and SEO of your frontend.
  • Rely on a professionally managed cloud platform, which guarantees the security and scalability of your frontend.

The advantages of Vue Storefront for your e-commerce

Vue Storefront offers you numerous advantages for your e-commerce, especially if you want to adopt a headless approach:

  • You can offer your customers a fast and effective shopping experience, with a frontend that adapts to every device and every resolution.
  • You can increase conversion and customer retention with a frontend that supports the most advanced e-commerce features, such as express checkout, one-click checkout, persistent cart, in-store pickup and much more.
  • You can reduce costs and development and maintenance time of your frontend, with a modular and flexible solution that allows you to add or remove features according to your needs.
  • You can experiment with new ideas and innovations on your frontend, without having to change your backend or systems.
  • You can expand your market and reach new customers with solutions for international e-commerce, such as managing currencies, taxes, shipping and local regulations.
Vue storefront structure

Vue Storefront: Getting started

If you want to take advantage of all the potential of Vue Storefront for your e-commerce we advise you to rely on Tidycode, the agency specializing in the development and customization of Vue Storefront websites.

Contact us to find out how we can help you realize your e-commerce project with Vue Storefront.

TIDYCODE is the ideal agency with which to create your e-commerce site and make take off your online business.

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