Migration to Magento - Save money by switching to Magento
Migration to Magento - Save money by switching to Magento

If you have an e-commerce website, you know how important it is to reduce management costs to increase your profit margin.

Among the most relevant costs are those related to the platform you use for your site, such as licenses, updates, support and maintenance.

If you are using a proprietary or paid platform, you could be spending more than you really need.

For this reasons we recommend that you consider migrating to Magento as a potential solution.

Why Magento?

Magento is an open source e-commerce platform, which means that its source code is accessible and modifiable by anyone.

This has several benefits for your site:

  • You don't have to pay any license fees

    Magento is free and you can download it from its official website: the only expense you will have to face is hosting, which you can choose based on your needs and budget or rely on cloud-hosting by Tidycode.

  • Customize your website the way you want

    Magento offers you the possibility to create your customized e-commerce, adding the functions you need and modifying the look as far as you like: you can also integrate your website with your existing applications or with third-party ones, thanks to its modular architecture and APIs.

  • Enjoy the support of a large community

    Magento has an active and passionate community of developers and users, who help improve the platform, fix problems and create new solutions. You can find help and advice on the official forum or other sites dedicated to Magento.

  • Thousands of free and low-cost extensions

    Magento has an official marketplace where you can find over 5,000 extensions to add features to your website, such as inventory management, customer reviews, shipping options, social media integrations and much more – many of these extensions are free or have a much lower price than those of paid platforms.

Magento Structure


As you can see, migrating to Magento can save you money without sacrificing the quality and security of your site.

If you want to know more about how to migrate to Magento quickly and easily, please contact us for one free consultation by our certified experts.ì

Contact us to find out how we can help you realize your e-commerce project.

TIDYCODE is the ideal agency with which to create your e-commerce site and make take off your online business.

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